Monday, July 13, 2015

Constant state of offended

I'm losing faith in humanity.

If you're a blunt and honest person,  you're an asshole.  If you dance around the issue, you're a saint.

Sure, I could say things nicer.  I could sugarcoat it, but why?  We're all adults, and if you know me well enough, you know that I am really blunt when you ask for my opinion and I am truthful to a fault.  I'm not going to lie to you, I see no point.  It doesn't further things between us and it makes me sad/angry to be lied to.

Here's the deal from now on:  if you don't want me to be blunt, then don't ask for my opinion, my thoughts, my feelings.  If we're friends/family and you don't want my frank honesty, then you probably shouldn't tell me the things you don't want me to comment on.  You know me, I'm not one to hold back.  I've had years of everyone telling me exactly what they think of me, how I'm fucking this up or fucking that up, and now when it comes time for you all to know what's up...oh...look...I'm so mean.  I'm not going to pussyfoot around the real issues.  Chances are other people have tried to tell you the same thing and they were too nice, too sweet, too scared to hurt your feelings.  I'm not actively trying to hurt feelings.  That's not my game.  That's not who I am.  Who I am is a person who knows you well enough and loves you enough to tell you what others want to, but won't because they don't want to upset your delicate sensibilities.

You want to be blunt with me?  Please, by all means!  I encourage it.  No one asked me if I wanted it all the years they've given me their open and honest opinions, please don't start now.  Give it to me straight when I'm screwing up so I can get my shit handled and get back on track.  Be warned, if you dish it, you better be able to take it when the shoe is on the other foot.

I needed to get that out.

On a much lighter note, the past couple weeks have been a blast!  My family and I took a vacation to the beach and it was so peaceful, I want to go back already.  Then Brandy came with her son for a visit and it was just amazing.  We had so much fun.  It's awesome to know that just because you have 1600 miles separating you, when you're together it feels like there never were all those miles to begin with.  After that, Francesca came with her family and I got some major baby loves.  I sure love those chubby cheeks.  I bet she was overwhelmed that day!  We had a lot of fun.  I miss all of us friends getting together and just talking about everything.  We ought to get together more often.  Nothing is stopping us local ones.

I got my letter in the mail about starting school.  Only a little over a month left until classes start.  I finally got a little bit of clothes for it.  I need to go get the stuff to dye my hair.  I do believe light pink is in order.  I want to feel like a unicorn.  Perhaps some lavender at the ends?  Who knows.  I guess I'll just have to see what I'm in the mood for.

Hopefully a new tattoo in the next couple months.  I can't wait!